CGCB - Welcome!
I am thrilled that you have decided to invest in yourself. In my mind, it is the best decision you can make. A better you means you are making the world a better place. Growing your career and building your music business are two sides of the same coin. One supports the other. In fact, these are so intertwined that it is impossible to have success in one area without success in the other.
Write 3-4 sentences introducing yourself. What do you want me to know about your music and your music business? Send your email to me:
The reason for this madness is: (1) I want to learn a bit more about you, and (2) to make sure that I have your correct email address and that my reply and future emails will not end up in your spam folder. These days, email delivery can be incredibly unreliable. Emails go missing all the time. I don't want you to miss any important stuff that you actually want and are expecting.
The final reason for me wanting you to send me an email is, (3) it will give me the opportunity to confirm your payment and make sure that you have already received your receipt.
The private CGCB Facebook Group will be a type of study space where you can connect with, learn from others, and also share your insights.
Sign up for the CGCB Facebook Group.
One of my favourite sayings is, "None of us are as smart as all of us." You are going to learn a truckload of stuff every week. However, the experiences, insights, ideas, and approaches that others in the group may prove just as valuable in terms of helping you complete the projects on time and, more importantly, those experiences, insights, ideas, and approaches may also help you create something better than you could have imagined or hoped for. That is pretty cool.
You can utilize the same introduction that you sent me or you can write something different that introduces you and your music to the group.
Generally speaking, we will be meeting twice a week. Tuesday Trainings is when you will receive new content and learn about the project(s) you will be working on for the week. Each training will be 60-90 minutes. Follow-up Fridays is a Q & A session where you have the opportunity to not only ask questions about the project(s) you are working on that week, but also learn about the different perspectives, ideas, approaches, challenges, and insights from your colleagues. Each Q & A session will be 60 - 90 minutes, depending upon the questions and challenges that people are wrestling with.
If you have any questions, need more information, or would just like to say "Hello" and introduce yourself, please click on the link below.